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XPO’s Dive into Trucking Raises Concerns, Prompts Ratings Review

Written by Alicia Baumann | Sep 17, 2015 5:52:13 PM

XPO’s Dive into Trucking Raises Concerns, Prompts Ratings Review

CEO and Co-Founder Jeremy Bodenhamer was recently interviewed for an article published by The Wall Street Journal on XPO’s acquisition of logistics trucking company Con-way Inc.: XPO’s Dive into Trucking Raises Concerns, Prompts Ratings Review

With the Con-way acquisition, XPO will become one of the largest freight transportation businesses in the United States, moving it towards becoming an “all-in-one” logistics and transportation company. This will let XPO offer more services, including short-haul trucking at ports and freight brokering, allowing it to win bigger clients.

The acquisition could give XPO more power over pricing, which could translate to higher prices for shippers, particularly if it sparks more consolidation in the transportation industry, said Jeremy Bodenhamer, CEO of ShipHawk Inc., which provides price comparison and other services to shippers.

Read on to learn more about what CEO, Jeremy Bodenhamer, has to say about the major acquisition happening in the logistics trucking marketplace.