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Creating a Personalized Online Retail Experience

Written by Alicia Baumann | Apr 20, 2016 9:00:36 AM

Creating a Personalized Online Retail Experience

In the ever-evolving eCommerce marketplace, it is crucial to maintain a competitive edge by understanding your customer and keeping up with consumer buying trends to personalize the online retail experience. By using consumer data gathered from previous purchasing experiences and website usage you are able to impart a personalized online retail experience for your customer, that provides relevant recommendations and offers a unique online shopping journey that entices users to come back for more. Now more than ever, the voice of the consumer is a critical aspect to your website’s success.

Here’s our guide to creating a personalized online retail experience for your customers:

  • Recommend products on your website:Large inventories can make browsing for specific products overwhelming and thus targeted product recommendations will improve the shopping experience. Suggest similar or complementary products before and after the purchase, or as a targeted email.
  • Send an abandoned cart email:Encourage users to return to the website by reminding them of products they left behind. As the number one factor of abandoned carts is shipping, make sure that all shipping costs are transparent and you offer multiple delivery options in order to entice customers to complete their purchase.
  • Make your website social:Merging your customer’s social media and shopping experience empowers users to share experiences and provide valuable feedback for your company.
  • Send personalized transactional emails:Express gratitude for your customer’s purchase or subscription through personalized follow-up emails.
  • Provide an excellent shipping experience:The shopping experience does not just stop at checkout, but continues to the delivery of goods on the doorstep. Provide a seamless shipping experience to your customers by providing complete visibility during fulfillment.

Companies that focus on understanding their customers and tailoring unique and relevant experiences will succeed in the hyper-competitive eCommerce landscape. Creating a unique and personalized online retail experience that includes seamless transactions and smooth fulfillment will guarantee a lasting positive impression on your brand.