When consumers buy products online, they typically don’t consider the price of shipping until their selection is in the cart. At that point, retailers want to ensure that nothing detracts from completing that buying experience. And yet shipping is still a leading reason why consumers abandon shopping carts. Furthermore, the ‘Amazon Syndrome’ has created an online buying culture built on the expectations that shipping is free, fast, or both.
In this environment, retailers must understand the cost side of the shipping equation at an order level, while controlling service levels, margins, and shipping options for each transaction.
It is only by using an aggregation of shipping data from the transaction level that online retailers can fully assess their shipping strategy and what shipping options to offer customers. Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size fits all model for eCommerce stores due to the disparate nature of shipping, what levels of shipping are offered, and the diversity of the product inventory. Depending on the types of products available in the online store, there could be a mix between parcel shipping and freight shipping, which makes carte blanche shipping options even more complex to determine.
There are three ways for retailers to evaluate the cost of their shipping options at a transaction level.
Understanding the transaction level cost of shipping, enables eCommerce business owner to evaluate their shipping options that limit the impact on their margins and help define an effective and efficient shipping strategy.